
Complete, comprehensive, and customized solutions for ISO Standards certification.

ISO 9001: 2015

ISO 9001: 2015 for Quality Management is a strong management tool for business development and optimization. The standard is used by over a million companies and organizations in more than 170 countries.

What is ISO 9001?

ISO 9001 is a quality management system that is recognized worldwide and is too many synonymous with quality and efficient management as well as a structured customer dialogue.

The management system goes hand in hand with other systems that you and your business might already use. For example, total quality management, quality pricing models, LEAN, six sigma, business process reengineering, balanced score card and activity based costing.

ISO 9001 for Quality Management gives you and your company clear definitions of processes, values, ongoing monitoring and evaluation, so that the organization has a recognized and basic management tool.

Why work with ISO 9001 quality management?

The ISO 9001 standard can secure your company new contacts and contracts and in many cases functions as a quality stamp, because the management system testifies and ensures that your organization can deliver a uniform and high quality.

ISO 9001 certification can thus ensure that customers choose your company rather than their competitor.

Everyone can work with quality and service

ISO 9001 sets requirements for the entire process and specifies both the requirements for establishment, implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of the organization’s Quality Management System (QMS).

Thus, ISO 9001 is a management tool that ensures that the organization creates a solid foundation for quality management and always focuses on creating improvements and keeping the company competitive.

The management system takes into account that you can organize and work systematically with quality and service in relation to your organization’s needs. It also means that quality management can be used by any organization, big or small, regardless of its field of action.

5 benefits of working with ISO 9001

  • An effective tool in global trade
  • A common language and a common approach to quality across borders
  • A market expectation or a market requirement
  • A tool for continuous improvement
  • A tool for optimizing processes and increasing efficiency and productivity

Environmental management – ISO 14001

Environmental management according to ISO 14001 gives you and your company a management tool that supports your focus on sustainability and sets the framework for your efforts to improve your environmental performance.

What is ISO 14001?

With Environmental Management in accordance with ISO 14001, you will be able to risk assess your organization’s environmental conditions, proactively implement the environment and sustainability as part of the core business and at the same time give the management assurance that your sustainability goals are achieved.

By using ISO 14001, your work on sustainability, circular economy and the UN world goals can be made concrete and targeted and help to achieve the results that you and your company have set for you.

You will have the opportunity to focus on the most important environmental issues in the company, ensure reduction of the environmental impact, and that environmental improvements are continuously made.

5 good advice when working with ISO 14001

  • It is important to work with what the intended results of your management system are. What is the basic system to help you achieve?
  • Environmental issues must be seen and worked on in a life-cycle perspective. You and your company must deal with both direct and indirect environmental impacts
  • It is important that you have a culture that focuses on continuous improvement
  • Risk management, where you look at both strategic and operational challenges and opportunities in the environmental area is the focal point of an environmental management system
  • Evaluation of effort and follow-up is alpha and omega and the basis for developing and improving your sustainability work

Occupational Health and Safety – ISO 45001

Occupational Health and Safety ensures that your company has the best possible working environment.

Getting a good working environment requires management and employees to work together. If the company wants to reduce occupational accidents, have a good indoor climate, care for the employees and ensure the best possible mental work environment, there must be cooperation and dialogue. A working environment management system according to ISO 45001 can help you.

What is ISO 45001?

The purpose of ISO 45001 health and safety management is to improve your performance in relation to the working environment by creating the framework for management and management of the risks that are within your working environment. This helps to reduce work accidents and create safe and healthy jobs. The standards and guidelines of the standard thus give you a tool to put your work with the working environment into system and ensure that you continuously check your work environment and evaluate and improve your efforts.

By introducing the management system for working environment ISO 45001 you and your company work structured with learning in the work environment area.

5 facts about ISO 45001 – Occupational Health and Safety

  • The foundation of the management system is the mapping of internal and external requirements as well as important stakeholders and their requirements and expectations for performance in the work environment area.
  • ISO 45001 requires that top management take responsibility for the working environment and work purposefully to create continuous improvements in work environment performance and collaboration
  • Work environment goals must be planned based on the foundation of the management system as well as the results of the mapping of risks and opportunities. The working environment goals must also be operated to demonstrate compliance and improvement of performance
  • Great focus on the importance and importance of consultation and involvement of employees and work environment organization
  • Important to build a culture with a focus on continuous improvement.

More than 50 countries and organizations have been involved in writing the standard, which can be used by all companies and organizations regardless of industry and business types. The standard replaces OHSAS 18001 and has the same structure as the other major management standards, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. The deadline for changing its management system from OHSAS to ISO 45001 is March 12, 2021.

Food Safety – ISO 22000

The society’s great focus on food safety means that whatever position you occupy in the food chain, you risk being held accountable if something goes wrong.

What is ISO 22000

Consumers expect safe food. This places a number of demands on food companies, which must be able to document that they have control over food safety. If something goes wrong, you can be sure to document your processes, regardless of the position in the food chain from farm to table.

The benefits of ISO 22000

For some companies, it may be sufficient to comply with the legal requirements and follow the approved self-inspection program. For other companies, it would be beneficial to follow a recognized standard like ISO 22000. For example, if you want to export your goods or sell to a larger International retail chain, it may be a supplier requirement that you follow the international standard ISO 22000 on food safety.

ISO 22000 forms the framework for your company

The food safety management system is a great tool for any food business regardless of size. It provides the framework for the organization and structure of the company, assembles procedures and workflows underone system and defines areas of responsibility and competence. The part of the standard that deals with food safety is based on HACCP principles that underlie the statutory self-inspection program.

Information Security | ISO / IEC 27001

As digitalization increases, the risk of hacker attacks and cybercrime increases. Information security ISO 27001 is therefore something every organization, from web shops to municipalities, should relate to.

What is ISO / IEC 27001?

ISO 27001 is an international management standard for information security The standard is a management tool
that helps companies protect valuable information – including personal data – in a secure and credible manner. ISO 27001 establishes, among other things, requirements for risk management, documentation of processes and distribution of roles and responsibilities for information security.
The purpose of ISO / IEC 27001 is to achieve effective information security management that fits a company’s specific needs and ensure that this efficiency is maintained through a continuous improvement process. This means that information security is continuously updated so that the company is able to handle the challenges of a business world constantly changing.

Why is information security important?

Information security is essential for anyone who holds information – whether physical, digital or spoken – and can have significant implications for regulatory compliance, organization activities, and success, as well as credibility and image.


Over the past 20 years, the risk of cyber attacks and cybercrime due to lack of information security has increased significantly. This is due not least to the use of the Internet as a means of doing business and gaining access to large amounts of information. And with increasing demand for more connectivity and business approaches through mobile technologies and increased data exchange, the risk of further information security being compromised is increasing.

What does it mean?

When information is lost, destroyed, stolen or becomes inaccessible, it goes beyond the reputation of the company and the trust of its customers. Personally sensitive information can be stolen in many ways, for example via the Internet, by theft of laptop computers through damage to IT systems or through other vulnerable sources of information. Business and society are facing many risks, as more and more data is made digital and the dependence on IT systems continues to increase. Therefore, companies should be aware of such risks and take managerial steps to protect their business.

Do you know your company’s risks?

ISO / IEC 27001 sets requirements for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of an information security management system (ISMS). The introduction of an information security management system is a strategic decision for an organization.

Why ISO / IEC 27001? What is the value?

With a systematic approach to risk management, the organization can invest in information security, where it provides the highest possible return – whether it involves protecting the organization’s physical framework, IT technical controls or changing employee behavior.

This will help:

  • Competitiveness: Better structure and prioritization. Enhanced understanding and responsibility in all business processes
  • Streamlining: Better balance between quality, control and business – documented business procedures. More reliability.
  • Job satisfaction: Overview and work security. Common focus and baseline
  • Compliance: Ensuring compliance with laws, governmental requirements, supplier agreements and best practices.
  • Goodwill: Increased trust among customers, suppliers and partners. Better insurance terms


Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points (HACCP) is an internationally recognized method that helps food industry companies identify their safety risks, prevent hazards, and comply with legislation.

How can HACCP improve your business?

The ultimate goal of the system is to ensure food security by identifying and managing the hazards in advance rather than reacting retrospectively through quality control.

HACCP certification allows your organization to:

• Build customer confidence because you can demonstrate that your food is produced using safe processes
• Prove that you have taken all reasonable precautions in production to provide safe food
• Allow customers to require suppliers to be assessed and certified if they operate in a country with strong food safety legislation
• Reduce the number of audits performed by customers, thus saving time and costs
• Reduce product waste and product recall
• Improve relations with food safety authorities
• Improve efficiency

Certification according to the HACCP standard provides a strong tool for communicating with stakeholders and other relevant parties. And it is crucial to demonstrate that you comply with your obligations to food security in relation to corporate governance, including CSR and other requirements for financial reporting.

The content of HACCP

HACCP is a risk management tool specifically designed for the food sector by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, established jointly by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

The activities of HACCP include:

  • Risk assessment
  • Assessment of possible risk management tools
  • Implementation of management decisions
  • Monitoring and auditing


Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility

Organizations around the world, and their stakeholders are becoming increasingly aware of the need for and benefits of socially responsible behavior because


Meeting the current needs of the society without jeopardizing the needs of the future generations

Economic benefits to the organization

  • Goodwill
  • Ability to attract and retain workers and clients
  • Better relationship with other companies, governments, media, suppliers, community, etc.
  • Operational Cost efficiency

ISO 26001:2010

ISO 26000 is an International Standard giving guidance/recommendations about how any organization can improve its Social Responsibility and thus contribute to sustainable development.

ISO 26000 is not certifiable, as it does not contain requirements. Its appeal is to those who, for whatever reasons, seek to improve their operating processes and impacts through socially responsible behavior.

What makes ISO 26000 important and credible?

  • It is designed to work in all organizational and cultural contexts – in any country or region
  • It is flexible and the user decides how to use it
  • It was internationally negotiated through ISO’s consensus method, using a multi-stakeholder approach, and balance to reflect global diversity.
  • It incorporates the real-life experiences of its many contributors, and at the same time builds on international norms and agreements related to Social Responsibility

ISO 26000 can be used by any organization, for example:

  • large multi-national corporations
  • small and medium size enterprises
  • the public sector (hospitals, schools or others)
  • foundations, charities and NGOs
  • extractive industries, such as mining and fossil fuel companies
  • service and financial industries (banks, IT, insurance)
  • municipal governments
  • farmers and agribusiness
  • consultancies


ISO 26000 provides guidance to all types of organizations about the concepts, characteristics, principles, core subjects, integration and implementation of SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY


The term social responsibility came into widespread use in early 1970s as different types of organizations (not just the ones in the business world) recognized the importance of sustainable development

The elements of social responsibility reflect the expectations of the society and therefore liable to change over a period of time

Globalization is the key factor for increase in awareness of social responsibility

  • Greater accessibility
  • Higher scrutiny

The expectations of the society regarding organizations social performances has increased gradually


1. Accountability
2. Transparency
3. Ethical behavior
4. Respect for stakeholder interests
5. Respect for the rule of law
6. Respect for international norms of behavior
7. Respect for human rights


An organization should be accountable for the impact of its decisions and activities on society, overall economy and environment.
Organization must

  • Accept and respond to scrutiny
  • Be answerable to the stakeholders


Transparency means

  • Openness about decisions and activities that affect society, the economy and the environment, and
  • Willingness to communicate the decisions in a clear, accurate, timely, honest and complete manner

Organization must be transparent about

  • The purpose, nature and location of its activities
  • The manner in which the decisions are made, implemented and reviewed.
  • Standards and criteria against which it evaluates its own social performance
  • The known impacts of its activities on stakeholders


Organization’s behavior should be based on values of honesty and fairness.
It should be evident from the behavior of the organization that it is concerned with the people, animals and the environment.

Ethical behavior is visible through below actions

  • Identifying and stating the core values and principles
  • Promotion and observance of its own standard ethics
  • Defining the ethical behavior that is expected from its suppliers and contractors.
  • Recognizing and addressing situations where local laws do not exist or are in conflict with the right ethics.
  • Maintaining mechanisms to facilitate the reporting of unethical behavior without fear of reprisal


An Organization should

  • Identify its stakeholders
  • Recognize the interests as well as the legal rights of the stakeholders
  • Respond to the stakeholder’s concerns
  • Consider valid views of even those stakeholders who do not have any formal agreement with the organization


An Organization should

  • Keep itself informed of all the legal obligations it must follow
  • Comply with all the legal regulations of all jurisdictions under which it operates.
  • Periodically review its compliance with applicable laws


“In situations where the law or its implementation does not provide for adequate environmental or social safeguards, an organization should strive to respect, as a minimum, international norms of behavior.”
International norms of behavior are “…derived from customary international law, generally accepted principles of international law, or intergovernmental agreements that are universally or nearly universally recognized.”
These can be found in authoritative international instruments from organizations such as the United Nations, International Labor Organization (ILO).


ISO 26000 urges its users to identify the vulnerable populations among its stakeholders, and to work to ensure their fair treatment
“..In situations where human rights are not protected, take steps to respect human rights and avoid taking advantage of these situations…”