ISO / IEC 27001

The ISO/IEC 27000 family of standards helps organizations keep information assets secure.

Using this family of standards will help your organization manage the security of assets such as financial information, intellectual property, employee details or information entrusted to you by third parties.

ISO/IECĀ 27001 is the best-known standard in the family providing requirements for an information security management system (ISMS).

What is ISO / IEC 27001?

ISO 27001 is an international management standard for information security The standard is a management tool
that helps companies protect valuable information – including personal data – in a secure and credible manner. ISO 27001 establishes, among other things, requirements for risk management, documentation of processes and distribution of roles and responsibilities for information security.
The purpose of ISO / IEC 27001 is to achieve effective information security management that fits a company’s specific needs and ensure that this efficiency is maintained through a continuous improvement process. This means that information security is continuously updated so that the company is able to handle the challenges of a business world constantly changing.

Why is information security important?

Information security is essential for anyone who holds information – whether physical, digital or spoken – and can have significant implications for regulatory compliance, organization activities, and success, as well as credibility and image.


Over the past 20 years, the risk of cyber attacks and cybercrime due to lack of information security has increased significantly. This is due not least to the use of the Internet as a means of doing business and gaining access to large amounts of information. And with increasing demand for more connectivity and business approaches through mobile technologies and increased data exchange, the risk of further information security being compromised is increasing.

What does it mean?

When information is lost, destroyed, stolen or becomes inaccessible, it goes beyond the reputation of the company and the trust of its customers. Personally sensitive information can be stolen in many ways, for example via the Internet, by theft of laptop computers through damage to IT systems or through other vulnerable sources of information. Business and society are facing many risks, as more and more data is made digital and the dependence on IT systems continues to increase. Therefore, companies should be aware of such risks and take managerial steps to protect their business.

Do you know your company’s risks?

ISO / IEC 27001 sets requirements for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of an information security management system (ISMS). The introduction of an information security management system is a strategic decision for an organization.

Why ISO / IEC 27001? What is the value?

With a systematic approach to risk management, the organization can invest in information security, where it provides the highest possible return – whether it involves protecting the organization’s physical framework, IT technical controls or changing employee behavior.

This will help:

  • Competitiveness: Better structure and prioritization. Enhanced understanding and responsibility in all business processes
  • Streamlining: Better balance between quality, control and business – documented business procedures. More reliability.
  • Job satisfaction: Overview and work security. Common focus and baseline
  • Compliance: Ensuring compliance with laws, governmental requirements, supplier agreements and best practices.
  • Goodwill: Increased trust among customers, suppliers and partners. Better insurance terms